Thursday Thoughts Blog

Thursday Thoughts

Lies you've been told: Part 3
Lies You’ve Been Told About Autism: There is nothing you can do to heal. We’ve been conditioned to believe...
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Lies you've been told: Part 2
Lies You’ve Been Told About Autism: It’s genetic. Genetic means something is hereditary and that it can...
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Lies you've been told: Part 1
Lie’s You’ve Been Told About Autism: The childhood “schedule” doesn’t cause it. The question that really...
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Read the insert
I’ve been thinking a lot lately about the fact that manufacturers of vaccines are not held liable if...
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Always ask questions
My thoughts are on monkeys today. Yes, monkeys. Have you ever heard of the 5 Monkeys Experiment? Let...
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Stand in truth, friend
I was recently asked during an Instagram Q&A if it was okay to tell mom friends that their child’s...
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breathe well
Breathe Well this Spring
Shop my favs Do you feel like something has blown in and made your eyes water, ears burn, and throat...
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new year res
No resolutions this year
I’m not a big resolutions person, so I didn’t make any this year, but what I do like to do...
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2024 balloons
New year, new me?
Happy January, and no, I’m not going to tell you NEW YEAR NEW YOU! I don’t want you to believe...
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bowl of sugar and sugar cubes
Tis' the season
Are you worried one sneeze is going to take out your family for the holiday season? “‘Tis the season,” they...
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be thankful
Happy Thanksgiving!
Do you know what I love about this day? Besides the turkey, ham, and deviled eggs? I love that no matter...
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Knowledge is power... if you use it!
Hey friend! This is something that I feel I have to say. I can’t make you healthier. I can’t make you...
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Back to School Season!
Back to school season! It’s back to school season, even though the stores have been marching...
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Social Media & Our Children
Do you ever remember a time it felt dangerous to go somewhere as a kid? For me, that was walking to...
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A Season of Loneliness
Are you in a season of loneliness? So many times, we look at seasons where we feel that being lonely...
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Thursday Thoughts: July 20, 2023
You woke up today. Today we are going to talk about how you breathe. Fun fact: Breathing through...
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Thursday Thoughts: July 13, 2023
You woke up today. Let me say that again. You. Woke. Up. Today. What an incredible blessing it...
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Thursday Thoughts: July 6, 2023
Happy Thursday, friend! I wanted to send out a reminder that hard work isn’t scary. But not...
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Thursday Thoughts: June 29, 2023
One thing I’ve noticed with summer is first, this season is something we look forward to. Then, we become...
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Thursday Thoughts: June 22, 2023
Have you ever questioned why life feels so hard? I know you are either nodding your head in agreement,...
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Thursday Thoughts: June 7, 2023
It’s June and a month that once just meant the beginning of summer now has a completely different definition...
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Thursday Thoughts: June 1, 2023
Something I’ve been pondering as I’ve triggered multiple people on Instagram lately is the current societal...
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Thursday Thoughts: May 26, 2023
Memorial Day Weekend is upon us, and that means we will most likely be outside with our families! There’s...
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Thursday Thoughts: May 18, 2023
Let’s talk about this current trend to label adults with ADHD… I get how easy it is to fall into this...
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