Category: Thursday Thoughts

Snacking for Kids

As a parent or caregiver, the health of your child is in your hands. And when your kiddos are asking for snacks multiple times a day, it can be a challenge to know what to do. Do kids need snacks at all? How do I get my kiddos to eat healthier snacks, not just the

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Lies you’ve been told: Part 3

Lies You’ve Been Told About Autism: There is nothing you can do to heal. We’ve been conditioned to believe that healing isn’t possible. Why? There is no $$$ in a healed body, but there is a lot of $$$ in one hooked up to the system. A narrative of healing doesn’t facilitate the need for

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Lies you’ve been told: Part 2

Lies You’ve Been Told About Autism: It’s genetic. Genetic means something is hereditary and that it can be passed from parents to their children. Genetic disorders occur at a stable rate due to only a certain amount of people carrying genes.  Autism in our society has increased 417% since 2000. Population has not. What does

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Lies you’ve been told: Part 1

Lie’s You’ve Been Told About Autism: The childhood “schedule” doesn’t cause it. The question that really needs to be asked is why do you think the “childhood schedule” doesn’t cause autism? Have you… Researched the ingredients yourself? Looked at an insert before injecting your child? Questioned your pediatrician and asked for their own resources? Or

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Read the insert

I’ve been thinking a lot lately about the fact that manufacturers of vaccines are not held liable if someone is injured, harmed, or even killed by the vaccine. Paired with the fact that on ALL vaccine inserts it says that each vaccine holds the potential to kill or permanently injure vaccine recipients…and I’m just wondering

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Always ask questions

My thoughts are on monkeys today. Yes, monkeys. Have you ever heard of the 5 Monkeys Experiment? Let me explain it. There were five monkeys that were placed in a cage. There was a ladder in the middle of the cage with bananas on the very top rung. However, every time a monkey tried to

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Stand in truth, friend

I was recently asked during an Instagram Q&A if it was okay to tell mom friends that their child’s autism can be healed. I know that the entire message of healing when paired with autism can be one that is met with incredible resistance. I know from experience that when you are given the autism

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No resolutions this year

I’m not a big resolutions person, so I didn’t make any this year, but what I do like to do is ask myself questions to make sure my head and heart are aligned with where I’m heading in my life. And by aligned, I also mean—am I aligned with God’s truth and what His will is for

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New year, new me?

Happy January, and no, I’m not going to tell you NEW YEAR NEW YOU! I don’t want you to believe that you need to be a new you, I want you to reclaim the power you may have surrendered to others through the process of not believing in yourself. You don’t need a new you, you need a confident you in

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Tis’ the season

Are you worried one sneeze is going to take out your family for the holiday season? “‘Tis the season,” they say. But I don’t think so. This is the season we bolster our immune systems knowing that we don’t always make the healthiest choices. I mean, we should consciously make better choices so that when grandma’s

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Happy Thanksgiving!

Do you know what I love about this day? Besides the turkey, ham, and deviled eggs? I love that no matter where you are right now, whatever circumstances you are going through…gratitude is something we all can give. This day can often make some feel a little defeated, especially if it’s been a hard year of

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Knowledge is power… if you use it!

Hey friend! This is something that I feel I have to say. I can’t make you healthier. I can’t make you feel better throughout the day. I can’t make you get rid of bad habits, or clean out your pantry, or swap out products for new ones. Yes, I can send you information every day.

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Back to School Season!

Back to school season! It’s back to school season, even though the stores have been marching to that beat for awhile now. Does anyone else think it is crazy how early stores switch over to the “next” thing. I’m pretty sure Hobby Lobby is about to dig their Christmas stuff out… While you can run

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Social Media & Our Children

Do you ever remember a time it felt dangerous to go somewhere as a kid? For me, that was walking to the 7 Eleven by myself when I was eight. But now, kids don’t even have to move their feet to find themselves in dangerous situations. Danger lives at their fingertips. I’ve said it before,

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A Season of Loneliness

Are you in a season of loneliness? So many times, we look at seasons where we feel that being lonely is a burden. We see all we are missing; all we wish we had in connection with others.And I understand. It’s so hard to feel like no one else sees you, like no one else

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