Liver Support

Lesson 6 of 17
In Progress

Liver Support

Jodie Meschuk July 16, 2024

Your liver has a big job. The first thing I always recommend is removing toxins from your lifestyle, personal care products, and foods. But even with your best efforts, supporting your liver with powerful essential oils that promote detoxification is a great way to keep it working its best!

Staying hydrated, upping your antioxidants, and Epsom salt baths are three great ways to help filter out toxins from your body to give your liver a break. Try adding the essential oils listed below to your water and/or Espom salt bath soaks to add an extra boost, plus applying them directly to your skin supports your liver’s role.

The oils in this blend support liver and lymphatic system detoxification. Negative emotions such as anger and hate are stored in the liver, creating toxicity and leading to sickness and disease. This liver blend also helps break addictions to substances such as coffee, alcohol, drugs, and tobacco.

In a 10ml roller bottle add the following:

  • 10 drops Grapefruit
  • 10 drops Rosemary
  • 5 drops Celery Seed
  • 5 drops Geranium

Fill with carrier oil. Roll over liver area in a clockwise motion 1-3x a day.



It has a cleansing effect on the kidneys, the lymphatic system, and the vascular system. Having liver-protective properties, it can help the liver cleanse the body of toxins and waste. It can also tone the liver and inhibit the proliferation of liver cancer cells. As well, it can activate your lymphatic system and control fluid retention. And, did you know that it’s also an antidepressant and is emotionally uplifting?!


Harmful toxins are no match for Rosemary! This oil and has been used since the time of Hippocrates when it was prescribed to overcome liver disorders. It supports bile production essential for metabolization of fat and natural detoxification in the body. Liver enzymes in the blood can also be reduced by using Rosemary essential oil. Research has shown that daily use of Rosemary can protect against injury caused by chemicals.


With antibacterial and diuretic properties, this oil has been used to help flush bacteria and minerals that can cause kidney and bladder stones. Lab animal studies have shown that celery seed prevents liver damage caused by toxic chemicals.


This floral gem helps to support the body’s natural kidney function, in addition to promoting detoxification processes. It is able to aid in the dilation of biliary ducts in the liver detoxification process to get the liver back on track. And when the liver is back on track, your hormones can regulate, another process that Geranium aids.