
Lesson 1 of 17
In Progress


Jodie Meschuk July 16, 2024

Are you feeling dizzy? Here’s how to find your balance!

Dizziness can strike at any time, leaving you feeling off-balance and unsteady. But what exactly happens in our brain to cause this? Dizziness often occurs when there’s a mismatch between the signals your brain receives from your eyes, inner ears, and sensory nerves. This can lead to that unsettling, spinning sensation. Don’t worry, though! There are natural ways to combat dizziness and restore your equilibrium. Here are some tips to help you feel steady again:

🙃Dehydration can cause dizziness, so make sure you’re drinking plenty of water throughout the day.

🙃Low blood sugar can also lead to dizziness. Keep your energy levels stable with regular, balanced meals.

🙃Sometimes, dizziness can be linked to anxiety or stress. Deep breathing exercises can help calm your mind and body.


🌱Cypress oil… known for its grounding properties, cypress oil can help improve circulation and stabilize your feelings of balance.

🌱Peppermint oil… with its refreshing and invigorating scent, peppermint oil can help alleviate nausea and dizziness.

🌱Basil oil… is great for easing mental fatigue and enhancing your overall sense of well-being.

🌱Tangerine oil… can help improve blood circulation, which is crucial in alleviating dizziness. Better circulation ensures that your brain and inner ears receive a steady flow of oxygen and nutrients, helping to stabilize your balance.

🌱Cardamom oil… is known for its antiemetic properties, which means it can help alleviate nausea often associated with dizziness. By calming the stomach, it helps to reduce the overall feeling of dizziness.

Simply diffuse these oils, add a few drops to a carrier oil for a relaxing massage on the back of the neck or shoulders (or on the Vitaflex points of the feet!), or inhale directly from the bottle for quick relief.

Stay positive and take care of yourself! You’ve got this! 💪