Author: Jodie Meschuk

Thursday Thoughts: May 4, 2023

May is here, and summer is just around the corner. It’s not too late to start changing your lifestyle and try new regimens. You are capable of blooming like May flowers. Here is part four of my story: Once I rejected the narrative that was being written for my son, sought out truth, and began

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Thursday Thoughts: April 27, 2023

Who else is readdyyyy for the weekend?! Here is part three of my story.  He said “mama”, again. I had begun to seek out people who wanted to heal my son with me instead of trying to make me believe that healing wasn’t possible. Trust me when I tell you this: there are those people.

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Thursday Thoughts: March 2, 2023

How are you being marketd to today? What do you mean by that? What does a quick scroll on social media tell you that you need today? Is it a product? A way of life? An emotion? Too often I hear how men and women, but especially women feed on the content of others with

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Thursday Thoughts: February 23, 2023

Happy Thursday! A while back I heard an eye-opening activity a teacher did in a classroom.This teacher wrote ten math facts on the chalkboard but intentionally wrote the wrong answer for one of them. When she wrote the wrong answer, the kids began to snicker behind her. The laughing slowly grew across the room. After

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Thursday Thoughts: February 16, 2023

Are you dealing with brain fog? Lack of energy to get going for the day?Did you know that your gut can affect both of those things? First of all, over 90% of your body’s serotonin (your body’s neurotransmitter that plays several roles in your body including influencing learning, memory, happiness as well as regulating body

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Thursday Thoughts: February 9, 2023

Happy Thursday! At this point in the week, it’s so easy to think, Thank goodness it’s Friday tomorrow! Life can be heavy, overwhelming, and stressful sometimes, can’t it? Add in thefact that we’ve been conditioned to dread every other day except Friday and our weekend. We are told our work week is the worst part

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Thursday Thoughts: February 2, 2023

Welcome to a brand-new series called Thursday Thoughts with Jodie. Encouragement is always needed and I’m going to pour it all over you, but I don’t want you to sit still in that drenching inspiration—I want you to move. Move towards good things—new things—things that are going to bring about massive changes in life for

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