Tag: holiday

No resolutions this year

I’m not a big resolutions person, so I didn’t make any this year, but what I do like to do is ask myself questions to make sure my head and heart are aligned with where I’m heading in my life. And by aligned, I also mean—am I aligned with God’s truth and what His will is for

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New year, new me?

Happy January, and no, I’m not going to tell you NEW YEAR NEW YOU! I don’t want you to believe that you need to be a new you, I want you to reclaim the power you may have surrendered to others through the process of not believing in yourself. You don’t need a new you, you need a confident you in

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Tis’ the season

Are you worried one sneeze is going to take out your family for the holiday season? “‘Tis the season,” they say. But I don’t think so. This is the season we bolster our immune systems knowing that we don’t always make the healthiest choices. I mean, we should consciously make better choices so that when grandma’s

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