Child tooth extraction
My 7 year old son had a cavity in his baby tooth that was positioned next to a molar and so they wanted to take care of it. They said the cavity was close to the nerve so we decided to let them fix it. (I wish I had gone through your course first). After that he was in a lot of pain for weeks after, so much so that we took him in to see if there was an infection, which the x-ray showed there was not. It finally seemed like it was getting better when I found what looks like an abscess on the gum on the tooth next to it, which is odd. ( he is a grinder and that is something we are working on, so that tooth is very worn down). We are seeing a specialist tomorrow and see what’s going on. They have mentioned extraction of the baby tooth might be necessary. Is it ok to let them take a baby tooth? I’m trying to avoid anabiotics and wanting to detox him as well. Any help and advice would be appreciated. I went through a lot of the information on the WC. Just really wanting to know if there is any danger in removing baby teeth. Thank you so much!
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