Dashboard Forums General Q&A Chronic cough Reply To: Chronic cough

  • Jodie Meschuk

    November 19, 2023 at 1:29 pm

    Hi mama, you’re in the right place.  Have you checked out any of the course info? Is he wheezing? What oils have you used and how often/how? The key to oils is to use them often and in abundance.  Ningxia and mightypro daily would also be helpful. Thieves cough drops are also really useful on the go.

    You can also try this RSV protocol please only use YL oils

     diffuse Lemon and Cedarwood for oxygenation.
     diffuse snifflease
     Rectally (fastest way to the lungs)
    1oz dropper bottle with coconut oil
    12 drops Melissa
    3 Idaho Blue Spruce
    3 Hyssop
    3 Digize
    Small plastic dropper to administer small amount 2x a day
     roller for chest and back – every hour
    In a 5ml with carrier oil:
    Melissa, lemon, peace + calming, myrtle, Idaho blue spruce
     roller for feet – every hour
    in a 10ml with carrier:
    Thieves, frank, lemon, cypress, myrtle
    Oils good for lungs and Vs and breaking up the sticky stuff in there:
    Exodus II
    Egyptian Gold
    White Fir
    Eucalyptus G
    Peace + Calming
    Idaho Blue Spruce & Cypress are tree oils, tree oils are soooooo good for the lungs.
    Melissa, please research this oil -its freaking amazing for immune system support
    Digize, great for breaking up mucous and helping relieve stress on the lungs.
    Suppository Mold Tray: https://amzn.to/2LdZZpv