• Antibiotics for implant

    Posted by Elizabeth Hurd on September 16, 2024 at 10:49 pm

    I had to have 2 infected root canals removed in April and have been in the healing phase prior to getting implants. Had a bone graft. I had 2 rounds of Amox back in the spring – one round immediately because one of the abscesses was up to my sinus cavity and it was going to be 2 weeks before the oral surgeon could get me in to pull the teeth. The second was when the teeth were pulled. They say it is a precaution. I get it but after the 2nd round my gut was nuked and ended up on 3 rounds of Diflucan. Oral surgeon wants me to take it AGAIN when I get the implants put in. I have been delaying for this reason (and money LOL!) but he told me there is a limited time frame before my body starts reabsorbing the bone in that area because it is not being used (? – is this true?) I told him I didn’t want to take the antibiotics again and he said “Well we try to be as sterile as possible but I can’t 100% assure you there will be no infection and you end up losing the implant” UGH. Can I take high dose of Manuka Honey instead? I know there is a course in here I need to watch and I will but wanted to ask as well.

    Elizabeth Hurd replied 1 month ago 3 Members · 5 Replies
  • 5 Replies
  • Brooke Furtick

    September 17, 2024 at 3:07 pm

    Hi Elizabeth,

    I have had teeth removed when pregnant and opted to use homeopathy instead of antibiotics. My dentist told me I was crazy and advised against it stating it was woo woo medicine. Jokes on him when I went back for a post surgery follow up and he said my mouth healed faster than he ever sees patients typically heal.

    For mouth related infections there are two remedies that I recommend – Staphasagaria 30c and pyrogenium 200c. If you are also having pain or discomfort in the area add in Hypernicum 200c and Arnica 200c. Following the removal I was taking these remedies every 3 hours. After a few days I started pulling back to every 4 hours, then just 2x / day for an additional week. Hope this helps!

    • Elizabeth Hurd

      September 18, 2024 at 8:48 pm

      Thank you so much Brooke I will look in to these!

    • Elizabeth Hurd

      September 18, 2024 at 8:49 pm

      One question Brooke: Can you recommend a reputable source to get these from or just Amazon or a health food store?

  • Jodie Meschuk

    September 17, 2024 at 5:28 pm

    Ouch! I would advise you to seek out a holistic dentist if possible and definitely check out the dental courses in here. I also have a downloadable homeopathic chart you can use. There are definitely alternatives available!

    • Elizabeth Hurd

      September 18, 2024 at 8:48 pm

      Thank you Jodie!

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