Thursday Thoughts: June 22, 2023

Have you ever questioned why life feels so hard? I know you are either nodding your head in agreement, wishing there was a heart button, or silently saying “yes” within.

It seems so cliché to say that “life is hard” these days but in a world moving a million miles a minute dumping thousands of decisions on us as it rotates, we are quite simply—overwhelmed. And that overwhelmed feeling can create too many instances where life just feels insanely hard.

Add some kids, financial circumstances, an offended society, and cultural molds we are expected to conform to, and we’ve got a jumbled mix of confusion that leaves us worried we’ll make the wrong choice. 

It is easier to “go with the flow” and jump into the rushing river where society dictates how you live. It is easier to put your head down and not ask questions. It is easier to make yourself oblivious to what is going on around you….

Until it’s not easier.

Until you decide you want to swim upstream, and you realize that the current against you has become awfully strong and you’ve become weak from letting the stream just pull you along.

Until you recognize giving up the right to choose keeps not just you, but everyone from a life of freedom.

Embrace that life is hard. Embrace the millions of decisions you must make. Face them head on. Be bold. Be brave. Be unapologetically you—fearless in the face of difficulty. Break the mold. Set yourself free. And you’ll set others free in the process of doing so.