Remove the Toxic Load

Lesson 2 of 4
In Progress

Remove the Toxic Load

Jodie September 24, 2024

Just like the ingredients in our food have been compromised, so has every other product on the market. In fact, 25% of diseases are attributed to the environment—our air, water, and physical surroundings. Yet have you ever heard of a doctor test for environmental toxins—a chemical body burden test? No.

Even though there has been an increase of many environmentally influenced diseases such as autism (10x), birth defects (2x), asthma (2x), infertility (10%), and various types of cancers (60%).

Have you ever heard of people having this kind of testing done without a doctor? Also, no. Why?

Because this type of testing is restricted to use by public health agencies.

The truth is that we have consistently been exposed to many different, untested chemicals that have been on the market since the 1970’s when the increase in chemicals used really began. In fact, there has been an increase of 600% when it comes to how many chemicals are added to the market. 700 new chemicals are added yearly. While there are around 80,000 chemicals that are in public use, only a few hundred have been tested for safety. Many of these untested chemicals are known carcinogens, endocrine disruptors, neurotoxins, and more!

While this could create some fear when it comes to what you’ve been using—the important thing is that you focus on what you will continue to use in your home. What can you change now that you know?

Let’s start with the toxins in your home: cleaners, detergents, dryer sheets, synthetic fragrances, etc.

This list is kind of like your grocery list—what swaps can you make in your cart?

  • Replace store-bought dish soap with Thieves Dish Soap
  • Replace store-bough hand soap for Thieves Foaming Hand Soap
  • Replace yucky, chemical filled hand sanitizer for Thieves Waterless Hand Sanitizer
  • Replace store-bought laundry detergent for Thieves Laundry Soap
  • Replace store-bought dryer sheets for Wool Dryer Balls
  • Replace ALL cleaning products with Thieves Household Cleaner
  • Replace sticky residue formula for Lemon Essential Oil
  • Replace store-bought toothpaste for Thieves Aromabright Toothpaste
  • Replace chemical filled bug spray with Young Living Insect Repellent

Another toxic load we must remove are antibiotics and OTC medication.

Let me be clear on this—I am not anti-antibiotics or OTC medications. I am anti-using emergency medication when it isn’t an emergency. As an American society, we use way too many medications when medications shouldn’t have been given in the first place.

Americans average 26 trips to the store to purchase OTC medications a year. That’s more than two times per month!

What are the swaps when it comes to OTC medication?

Things we were using way before medication in pill-form existed! In fact, a large number of prescription drugs and OTC medication originate from plant derivatives. So, let’s just get back to the original form of medicine—nature!

Check out my Childhood Wellness Course here.

And last but certainly not least…we need to opt out of the childhood vaccine schedule.

If vaccines are part of your child’s story, you need to really investigate what they are. They have no inherent benefit with the way they are designed today. Yes, ingredients in vaccines have changed. These ingredients correlate with neurodevelopment disorders.

Have you ever read the inserts? Or been given the option to read the inserts before agreeing to a vaccination?

Informed consent is something that is often looked over when it comes to the childhood vaccine schedule. Informed consent should look something like this:

  1. Medical professional recommends a product + provides all information (pros/cons, ingredients, possible side effects, etc).
  2. Patient/Parent asks questions (without being shamed for them!), is allowed time to do their own research before putting something in their body or their child’s body and can ask follow-up questions after they’ve done their own research.
  3. After the medical professional answers all questions, the patient or parent should be able to decide which can look like: accepting, delaying, or declining.

If you have not received this type of experience, then you have not experienced informed consent, and you must ask yourself why?

Why is informed consent when it comes to the medical world not common practice?

While there are some things that are outside of our control such as environments that are not our own home, there are so many aspects of our toxic load that are within our control. It’s up to us to make those choices for our children. To remove the things that may be creating disease in their bodies.

These are choices that can be made now. Changes that are doable. Again, just like food, these swaps can take time to see the impact, but they will happen. Give healing time.