Picky Eaters
Anyone have a kid get pickier and pickier, even with foods they used to like? My 5 year old has been turning his nose up at foods more frequently in the past year, and it’s really bothering me. Usually it’s a texture thing, and I know kids can go through a phase, but I just dread cooking anymore because I am stressed about whether or not he will eat it well. I can’t make casseroles anymore because he doesn’t like everything mixed up now, and it’s a hassle to get him to try anything new, and when he does try it, I think he’s decided he’s just not going to like it. The kid used to like sauerkraut from Costco and now he won’t eat it because it’s too sour. He loved tomatoes until about a year and a half ago. Is there any nutrient deficiency that is connected to something like this?
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