You can do this!

The birth of a mother is a sacred time. I have put this guidebook together in the hopes that as a mother, no matter where you find yourself along this journey, it becomes a handbook for all stages of motherhood.

xo, Jodie


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Reclaiming Motherhood was written FOR YOU. It was written for all the mamas that are overwhelmed with questions, and either met with shame from asking those questions, or given a slew of confusing answers that don’t make moms feel confident in making the best decisions for their family.

Motherhood, according to our society, has become more of a burden than a joy. We are continually told we aren’t capable. We are constantly overscheduled. We are stretched thin, and, in this stretching, we are given “help” by allowing others to step in and make decisions that are divinely ours to make.

We end up compromising, even if we don’t mean to.

We end up worrying because we aren’t confident in the decisions that have been made.

We end up giving up pieces of our motherhood and with it our power…

BUT not anymore.

I’ve compiled so much information in this book from planning for pregnancy to navigating every season after that sweet child is snuggled in your arms earthside.

Motherhood is a gift that we must steward. Stewarded well, motherhood changes everything. You can change the world from within the walls of your home. Your children are the next generation, and they will know better because you opened your eyes to know better first.

And that’s really what this book is all about. It’s about knowing better so that you can do better, because as a fellow mama I understand that desire. I understand wanting to feel confident in the choices I make, because it’s not just about me anymore. It’s about them—our children.

I want you to embrace your motherhood. I want you to own it. I want you to ask all the questions and not feel ashamed about asking them. I want you to fight for your children because there is so much fight in a mama’s heart. A fight for good. A fight for better. A fight to reclaim what was lost.

Right now, at this moment—the reclaiming begins.

Copyright @ 2023 Jodie Meschuk